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The Science Behind Music: Why Do We Feel Bass?

Did you had any idea that even people who are significantly hard of hearing can insight and appreciate music?

That is on the grounds that such a great deal music isn't heard however felt. Any individual who has introduced a subwoofer in their vehicle or remained external a loud club has encountered this. Bass is to a lesser degree a sound than an inclination - and it feels far better!

However, for what reason could people at any point feel weighty bass, and for what reason might we at any point feel all music? There is a logical clarification for this peculiarity, and it's intriguing!

In the event that you've at any point had the option to feel bass, read on to get familiar with the study of sound waves!

What Is Sound?

Have you at any point saw that some solid is apparent? Envision beating on a gong with a hammer. Might you at any point picture the gong proceeding to vibrate for quite a while?

All sound starts with development, and development includes energy. Any drummer who has played a rowdy set can perceive you that it's sweat-soaked business!

This energy makes air particles vibrate. That is what's going on when the skin of a drum hops or when a gong noticeably rings, while the vibrating particles are together, sound structures.

Sound Waves

Sound Waves

Sound waves can go through solids, fluids, and gasses. The air surrounding us is a gas, and that is the manner by which most sounds that we hear travel. The sound wave is a sign of energy - from the drummer to the drum to the air.

Our ears distinguish sound waves as they travel through the air. This is on the grounds that the vibrating air particles are causing an actual vibration in your eardrum. Enormous vibrations make clearly sounds, while more modest vibrations make calm sounds.

Your eardrum then conveys a message to your mind. This permits you to hear both commotion and music.



The acoustics of a space can likewise influence the way that sound waves contact us. Ponder how sound quality changes in a room with wooden floors contrasted with a room that is covered. Hard surfaces reflect sound, while delicate surfaces ingest sound.

Engineers who study sound skill to control space to make music sound perfect. They configuration recording studios and music scenes in light of the development of sound waves. They plan theaters and drama houses to mirror the human voice.


Vibration can likewise influence the human's view of pitch. We hear shrill sounds when vibrations are exceptionally speedy. We hear Low-pitched sounds when vibrations are more slow.

The human ear has limits, notwithstanding. Exceptionally low pitched clamors, including numerous bass waves, are excessively low for us to see with our ear alone. At the point when the body makes up for this, maybe we are "feeling" sound.

Why Do We Feel Bass? 

While people have a thin hearing reach, the human body is brilliant and can redress. At the point when our eardrums can't completely see an extremely low pitch, our skeletal framework will attempt to redress. This is essential for the justification for why we can feel bass utilizing speakers and subwoofers however not utilizing most earphones.


Bass frequencies are low and slow. They are slow sufficient that the human sensory system can get on them, regardless of whether the eardrum can't. They are additionally huge waves, and that implies they are clearly.

At the point when you stand close to a subwoofer, your body is handling these enormous, slow, low-recurrence sound waves in the main way it knows how. It makes an interpretation of the vibrations into reverberation in your body.

Frequently, this implies feeling the vibrations of these frequencies in your chest hole. This is where these frequencies are the most thunderous. They invigorate your pulse and can cause you to feel thrilled!

Remember that sound waves are a sign of the energy that goes into making vibrations. Assuming that you have at any point investigated buying a subwoofer, you realize that they have an exceptionally high wattage! Bass sounds require more energy, and subwoofers need a great deal of energy to work.

This energy causes the sound disturbances considerably bigger and urges your body to discover a smart way to "hear" them. At the point when we hear and feel sound at these frequencies, it takes our entire body to handle the entirety of that energy.

Eventually, we're not sincerely hearing bass or feeling it. We're simply handling it! It is the nearest people can get to having the option to feel the music!


A few frequencies are only excessively low for people to process. We might have the option to hear them, however our bodies don't have the ability to figure out them in a lovely manner. Assuming that we are presented to these frequencies, called infrasound, it can cause uneasiness, discouragement, and actual shuddering.

Whales use infrasound frequencies to speak with each other across huge seas. Figure how much energy it should take to create a sound low to the point of voyaging miles through the water!

A great deal of normal peculiarities make infrasound. This incorporates volcanic emissions, tempests, cascades, and waves.

Most of infrasound experienced by people is artificial. Causes incorporate modern apparatus and a few wellsprings of radiation. An excessive amount of openness is destructive and can prompt medical conditions.

Hearing Without Hearing

For what reason can hard of hearing people encounter music? They feel the vibrations, very much like hearing people do when they stand close to a subwoofer.

Contingent upon the degree of hearing misfortune, their eardrums could possibly be handling the sound waves. All things being equal, their sensory system and skeletal framework redresses.

The mix of these vibrations with melody verses (either read or deciphered utilizing communication via gestures) makes music open. There are hard of hearing performers, artists, and even authors.

Bass Is Sound in Motion

Assuming you love to feel bass in your chest, you have your body to thank. The human body's capacity to make up for our limited scope of hearing has lead to a unimaginable tactile encounter. Presently you comprehend how the most moving music actually moves you!

In the event that you partook in this article, you will adore the remainder of the Komfy Sound blog. Look at it to get familiar with the study of sound.

Frequently Asked Questions!

What makes you feel bass?

To feel bass, it is important to have a sound framework that can deliver low frequencies with enough ability to make vibrations in the body. Stronger volumes can likewise assist with expanding the vibe of feeling bass, however safeguarding your hearing by not paying attention to music at unnecessarily boisterous volumes is significant.

Why are humans attracted to bass?

This drove specialists to verify that it's simpler as far as we're concerned people to follow further bass sounds. Fundamentally, your mind gets on the rhythms of lower, bassier music quicker than it does sharp commotions.

Why is bass so addictive?

You've known about thrill seekers right? Indeed, it is conceivable that the cerebrum connects elevated degrees of bass with joy because of the gentle adrenaline rush that bass frequencies might cause, and over the long run, combined with different energizers, could add to an enslavement.

Why does bass annoy me so much?

Solid low-recurrence sound has consistently flagged risk, and this may be the reason it produces pressure responses in our bodies and brains. Research shows that these lows trouble individuals more than hints of additional regular extents.